12:00 AM Fri 10 November 2023
Join us to hear the latest research from leading New Zealand scientists on our active volcano Taranaki Mounga in an hour-long public talk followed by Q&A.
Join us to hear the latest research from leading New Zealand scientists on our active volcano Taranaki Mounga in an hour-long public talk followed by Q&A.
Come along:
• Discover what we know of how Taranaki Mounga has behaved in the past and how it might behave in the future.
• Learn about the anticipated impacts on people, economy, and environment.
• Hear about our resilience here and now, and into the future.
New Plymouth Talk
Thursday, 23 November
7pm - 8.30pm
Civic Centre, 84 Liardet Street New Plymouth or join the live stream event
Free entry
Register here(external link) spaces are limited.
Can't attend in person or want to enjoy the event from the comfort of your own home?
A live stream of the event will also be available. Registrations are not required for the live stream event.

Stratford Talk
Wednesday, 29 November
7pm - 8.30pm
Stratford War Memorial Hall, 55 Miranda Street
Free entry
Register here(external link) spaces are limited.
He Mounga Puia is a five-year research Endeavour Fund programme funded by the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment.